Archive for the 'Demolished' Category

Schlage Lock, SF: “Green” Housing Swallows an Industrial Giant

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

In my first few months of ‘seriously’ exploring, I formed a personal list of targets. I was pleased to have visited, four years later, the inside of each and every item on that list… With the exception of one building.
The Schlage lock and key factory has a storied history in the annals of San Francisco […]

Fleishhacker Pool – A Strange Journey Through S.F. History

Sunday, November 23rd, 2008

Drive to the San Francisco Zoo, and you’ll notice a fenced-off and decrepit building next to the parking lot. The “bath house” is all that is left of what was once the world’s largest pool. In fact, under the asphalt parking lot, the structure of the Fleishhacker Pool still sits, perhaps waiting to be excavated […]

Abandoned Hotels of the Catskills Borscht Belt

Tuesday, October 28th, 2008

I had first read about the Catskills in an Art Spiegelman graphic novel. It was – perhaps satirically – depicted as a place of rest for the father in the story of Maus. The significance of the Catskills is not to be overlooked. Its history, its culture, and what it represents to our changing attitudes […]

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