Saying Goodbye to Neverland and Michael Jackson » children-at-play


5 comments on “children-at-play

  1. Monique on said:

    This picture is beautiful. When I see it, It just reminds me that Never Land does not need to be on this earth. Now Michael has a bigger and better Never Land, where he is in peace and will never grow older. In the heavens you can just see Micheal with all the children he has helped on Earth, now teaching him how to have a beautiful childhood.
    The Lord forgives. Let Michael rest in peace!
    God Bless!

  2. MONICA on said:


  3. Michael Jackson was wonderful and should be burried in neverland and whom ever buys neverland should leave it they way it is and open it to the public and make michaels house a memorial or like he would of lived!!!

  4. In this night photo, the sign seems to be referring to children playing among the stars! “Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky.”

  5. Kathy on said:

    ool michael its dark out but thats ok along as i got your hand.

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