Archive for the 'Geography in the Media' Category

Richmond’s Winehaven: A Future Indian Casino?

Sunday, May 16th, 2010

Editor’s Note: What follows is a retrospective of the controversy surrounding an abandoned site in a secluded spot near the Chevron refinery in Richmond, California. Since I moved to the small city in the East Bay, the site has been on my list of places to photograph.  But Point Molate also represents a darker side […]

Inside a Ghost Fleet Ship – AS-32 U.S.S. Holland

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

Floating in the brackish waters of Suisun Bay is a fleet of decaying ships, many which have outlived their useful lives. Known as the Ghost Fleet, a few of these ladies of the deep have survived long enough to serve in three wars.
Gaining access to these closely-watched vessels is a privilege given to a chosen […]

Atomic Cafe: America in the Era of the A-Bomb

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009

It’s easy to forget – at least for me – the proximity with which our current times coincide with one of the most monumental eras of our modern time. What I speak of is the era of the atomic weapon.
It was only 60 years ago that the doomsday machine was set into motion and […]

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