Archive for the 'Built Environment' Category

An Epic Journey through Vandenberg ICBM Sites

Thursday, December 31st, 2009

I see urban exploration as the hobby of appreciating things which, decades after their creation, still manage to make us open our jaws agape at the ingenuity of the human soul. Often, however, such ingenuity is misplaced in hubris. Vandenberg was a logical step at illustrating such schizophrenia of the technocratic imagination – for it […]

Atomic Cafe: America in the Era of the A-Bomb

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009

It’s easy to forget – at least for me – the proximity with which our current times coincide with one of the most monumental eras of our modern time. What I speak of is the era of the atomic weapon.
It was only 60 years ago that the doomsday machine was set into motion and […]

The Macabre Saga of Ogarita Booth Henderson

Monday, October 12th, 2009

Editor’s Note: What follows is what will hopefully become a series of articles from Mr. J.T. Colfax, resident of Binghamton, New York.  In late 2006,  J.T. found an entrance to a tunnel in his backyard.  Since then, he has followed the path of the tunnel, from the top of Mt. Prospect, to the bowels of […]

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