Archive for the 'Residential' Category

The Jackling House Showdown

Tuesday, May 1st, 2007

The Jackling House in Woodside, owned by Steve Jobs. The historic Spanish-Colonial home’s fate, designed by George Washington Smith, is in limbo and is the centerpiece of a heated debate in the State Supreme Court over historic preservation and public vs. private rights.

In 1926, George Washington Smith designed a grand 14-bedroom, 17,000 square foot chateau […]

The Tower of Babel Built by a Russian Racketeer

Wednesday, March 28th, 2007

The 144-foot tall 13-story “log cabin” built by a Russian gangster draws the ire of its neighbors and the awe of geographers. This puppy is half as big as Big Ben! (from the UK Telegraph)

Arkhangelsk, Russia — It’s 1992. Windows 3.1 ships out to stores nationwide. A meteor hits a family’s car and demolishes […]

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