Archive for the 'Demolished' Category

Cartier-Bresson and the Philosophy of American Decay

Thursday, August 28th, 2008

Photo Copyright Jonathan Haeber
There was plenty of glitz in America in the sixties and seventies, yes and in the forties, the era of these pictures, but clearly Cartier-Bresson was trying to get behind it to the substance of American society. And since his is fundamentally a tragic vision he reacted most feelingly to what in […]

The 1893 Fair That Changed the World

Monday, August 11th, 2008

In 1892, an entire city arose from the swamps of Chicago to host the greatest mass of people ever assembled in the United States. On the heels of the Paris World Exposition, America wanted to display its new industrial might and cultural refinement. The Chicago World’s Fair drew a crowd of 27 million. At […]

Frank Lloyd Wright and His Forgotten Larkin Building

Saturday, June 7th, 2008

It’s a Saturday. Such an excellent day for documentary films. Of course, if I ever catch myself watching documentary films on Friday, Ganesh forbid, I will have to admit that my soul forever rests in the land of nerdom.
But it’s a Saturday. And a Saturday is a perfectly acceptable day for an edifying documentary film […]

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