Archive for the 'Must See Geography' Category

Schlage Lock, SF: “Green” Housing Swallows an Industrial Giant

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

In my first few months of ‘seriously’ exploring, I formed a personal list of targets. I was pleased to have visited, four years later, the inside of each and every item on that list… With the exception of one building.
The Schlage lock and key factory has a storied history in the annals of San Francisco […]

Holy Land: Religion Abandoned in Connecticut

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

There is a cross atop a hill in Waterbury, Connecticut. The cross is fifty feet tall and made of steel. Below it, ten-foot-tall neon letters spell out HOLY LAND U.S.A, a ‘testament’ to the religious amusement park, now closed, that occupies the site. The sign and the cross are still illuminated at night, the electric […]

An Abandoned Mansion from Lebanon’s Past

Thursday, March 12th, 2009

Downtown Beirut is full of silent and boarded buildings, which stand between the featureless identical cement apartment blocks that make up the periphery. Most are pockmarked with bullet holes and — in places — red, Mediterranean-style ceramic tiles have fallen away, revealing the woodwork beneath. Still, these damaged, pre-civil war houses, mansions and apartment […]

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