Archive for the 'Physical Geography' Category

Day 5: Batopilas to Cerro Colorado… and Back

Thursday, July 10th, 2008

The Inside of the Lost Mission of Satevo. See the previous entry for more on Satevo.
I had the privilege of touring with a Tarahumaran guide. The Tarahumara, as a people, are fascinating. They are the most resilient and self-sufficient people I’ve met. Their sandals are made from the rubber of old tires. They use the […]

Chihuahua to Creel – Day 2 in Mexico

Saturday, July 5th, 2008

As I pulled out of the Holiday Inn express of Chihuahua, Mexico (yes, I actually stayed at an evil American conglomerate – and, I might add, overpriced at 900 pesos). The extra cost did, however, pay off in that the managers were the only people I met in Mexico who spoke fluent English – this […]

Three Existing Technologies that Will Make Oil Obsolete

Sunday, March 30th, 2008

Stepping away from the Neverland controversy (I do promise more images later, folks) — I wanted to make one point more-then-ever-so-abundantly clear: Clean, free energy is attainable. In fact, mark my words, in about 20-30 years, we’ll have a solution in the bag. The question remains: which is the best solution? Currently, I […]

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