Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Drug Store in Paducah, KY

Sunday, August 3rd, 2008

Paducah, KY Albritton’s Drug Store, originally uploaded by army.arch.

This from one of my favorite flickr contacts, army.arch. The Albertson’s drug store, located at 32nd and Broadway in Paducah, KY.
The list on the bottom right, entitled, “Honor Roll” shows the drug store’s ex-carhops, who were – at the time – in the armed forces. […]

Changes are Afoot

Wednesday, May 21st, 2008

Short Version: Bearings is now officially open to submissions from outside writers. Articles/photo submissions will be paid. How this will turn a profit is beyond me, but you are nonetheless welcome to accept a $15 cash payment in exchange for telling (showing) us all about a fascinating place somewhere, anywhere.
Long Version: You might have noticed […]


Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

Rarely am I on the other side of the lens. Call it bashfulness. On a recent trip to the Titan 1 Missile Silo, however, a Mr. Thomas M. from Pennsylvania was somehow able to sneak me in a shot without my knowledge. I walked to my door today to find a thank you gift (Tom […]

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