Changes are Afoot
By Jonathan H
Short Version: Bearings is now officially open to submissions from outside writers. Articles/photo submissions will be paid. How this will turn a profit is beyond me, but you are nonetheless welcome to accept a $15 cash payment in exchange for telling (showing) us all about a fascinating place somewhere, anywhere.
Long Version: You might have noticed the (tacky?) new design. Fret not. It is a temporary measure to at least make sense of the jumbled ball of spaghetti that I’ve made of a relatively straightforward subject (Geography is straightforward – of course!)
But it also forebodes changes to the Bearings blog. Some may be good. Some you may even grumble at. It won’t break my heart if you unsubscribe from the RSS feed as a result, but you will be missing out, trust me.
Why? First, this blog will become more frequently updated. Second, the updates will become a collective project (i.e. the stories no longer emanate from one imperfect brain, but rather, from many imperfect brains). No longer do you have to reconcile your frustration with my disjointedness in diction; now you can try to make sense of many different talking heads (trust me: this is progress). In time, given the right contributions, and the right mix of smart, intellectually stimulating writers, I’m sure you will choose a favorite writer. And of course, I will cry in a corner if that storyteller is not me.
In the meantime, I hope you’ll provide a warm welcome to our incoming freshmen by offering your own opinions and insight on their posts. I’m not going to stop this blog until the corners of the Earth are covered, so contribute today if you have something that will put us all in awe.