Archive for the 'Military' Category

Inside Neverland Ranch

Monday, March 10th, 2008

Editor’s Note: The post below was originally published in March of 2008. Since the tragic events last week, I felt compelled to write a follow-up. View the farewell post and the entire set of Neverland photos here.
Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch is up for auction next week. Bearings has gained access to the ranch, and […]

Treatise on Trespassing

Tuesday, January 15th, 2008

Consider this a manifesto of sorts — an encouragement to go beyond the societal definition of private property and pave your own way. You should do this because these places are disappearing. You should do it because through your stories, and your experiences, you could perhaps inspire us to appreciate history for its lessons. Do […]

A California Titan Missile Base

Thursday, December 13th, 2007

Looking down into the 159-foot high, 40-foot wide Silo #1 of a Titan intercontinental ballistic missile base in California. Experiencing this is nothing short of religious (photo copyright Jon Haeber)

Lately, I’ve committed myself to a number of professional projects, and am in the midst of writing a few theses, so please forgive the lack of […]

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